The debt-limit crisis has come to this...
The President needs to go before the Supreme Court if the House of Representatives does not
approve debt-limit-raising legislation approved by the Senate this week.
A petition would be presented by the President asking the Court: 1.) to declare the House
dysfunctional and obstructive in a Declaration of Fact, 2.) order the House dissolved and special
elections held within three months, 3.) give the Senate temporary (emergency) powers to initiate
budget legislation and be the sole representative of the People until such time as the House can
reconstitute itself through the aforementioned elections, and 4.) forbid any incumbent from
running in these special elections.
In Amendment 10, the constitution allows that there are rights not enumerated in the other nine
amendments that comprise the rest of the Bill of Rights — in this case, the right to have a
functional government. Although seldom cited, between that amendment and the "Commerce
clause", and maybe other sections of the Constitution, we can get a House that might actually do
what they are elected to do — debate, compromise, and legislate.
Senate Republicans are giving the House too much power in negotiations, but at least everyone is
talking... AND there have been versions of both funding and debt-limit-raising legislation which
were sent to the House and ignored. Get rid of the House for a few months; replace everyone;
after that, comes November 2014, when the Republican idiot fools in
the House may very well receive their due.
Yes — it has come to this. Another constitutional crisis, brought to you by the selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed members of the House that comprise the "Tea Party" branch of the Republican party, a dark comedic tragedy choreographed by Speaker John Boener. To these people, no one else matters.
Throw the bums out!